Hingstar online
22 februari 2022 11:15

All Star

All Star

Om "All Star"

Varmblodig ridhäst

e Argentinus-Almé Z. Hannoveraner, Brown, 2003, 172 cm. WFFS: negativ.

Horst Zoellmer, Südergellersen (GER)

Dr. h. c. Thomas Straumann Hofgut Kaltenherberge

Maria Ring, 070-276 82 75, Tobias Hanson, Västra Hoby 070-842 11 07 eller Schockemöhle +49 549-296 01 00



Avgift: € 2,100 plus VAT + frakt. WFFS: negativ. Endast fryst sperma.

Sought after offspring of the European Champion

Athleticism, correct foundations with strong backs, fantastic canters – All Star transmits all of these qualities to his foals, who were also sold at auctions for high prices.

After his official retirement from sport at the 2020 World Cup in Basel/SUI, the stallion All Star, European Team Champion, individually tenth-placed at the European Championships and fifth-placed in the World Cup Final, is finally available to breeders without restrictions. The genetics of the powerhouse are unique, as he combines the performance stallions Argentinus, Almé, Ramiro and Winnetou in his pedigree.

In 2010, the Irishman Denis Lynch led the Hanoverian Vice Champion (5y.o.) to his first successes in the international Youngster Tour, followed by victories at high-profile events in Cannes/FRA, Gothenburg/SWE, Barcelona/ESP and Valkenswaard/NED. All Star took part in four World Cup finals and made his championship debut at the 2014 World Equestrian Games in Caen/FRA with a place in the top ten of the individual ranking. In 2015, he reached the individual final at the European Championships in Aachen. In 2017, after winning Team Gold at the European Championships in Gothenburg/SWE, he took tenth place in the individual ranking.

His sire Argentinus was a top-quality sport horse producer, which catapulted him to the top of the world’s best jumping sires at the beginning of the 2000s.

His dam St. Pr. St. April Love ZH was placed in young horses competitions and also produced the licensed stallions Pilaro (by Pilot), placed in 1.40m show jumping competitions, Allstar (by Argentinus)/Oliver Ross, victorious in 1.40m show jumping competitions and the mares Contessina (by Contender), who produced the licensed stallion Quel Homme, Crazy Love ZH (by Contender), who produced the licensed stallion Acolito (by Acord II) and St.Pr.St. Elaisa del Chirone (by Escudo I).

His grand-dam is none other than the internationally highly successful Rinnetou Z/Piet Raymarkers/NED, who won the show jumping World Cups in Helsinki/FIN, Amsterdam/NED and ’s-Hertogenbosch as well as the Grand Prix in Antwerp/BEL. She also produced the licensed stallion Chardonnay Z (by Caretano).

His grand-dam is the European Championship participant Rinnetou Z/Piet Raymakers/NED.

All Star is tested negantive on PSSM 1 & 2 and free of ECVM.

Beställningar går att göra genom våra kontaktpersoner
Tobias Hanson:
Som många av er redan känner till genom Helgstrand dressage. Tobias är
behjälplig att ta emot beställningar gällande våra dressyrhingstar.
mail tobias@vastrahoby.se, mobil 070-842 11 07
Maria Ring:
Vår svenska säljrepresentant för seminbeställning, avelsrådgivning
och för alla era frågor som rör vår verksamhet. Maria är ofta på plats på
vår hingststation i Tyskland och träffar hingstarna i deras hemmamiljö.
mail m.ring@schockemoehle.com, mobil 070-276 82 75
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Mühlen: mail deckstation@schockemoehle.com
Tel +49 549-296 0100, Fax +49 549-296 01 11

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