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2 maj 2023 13:57

Chacoon Blue

Chacoon Blue

Om "Chacoon Blue"

Varmblodig ridhäst

e Chacco-Blue – Cartoon. Mecklenburger, Grey, 2009, 172 cm. WFFS negativ.

Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung GmbH Münsterlandstr 51 D-494 39 Mühlen Tel +49 549-296 0100, Fax +49 549-296 01 11

Maria Ring, 070-276 82 75, Tobias Hanson, Västra Hoby 070-842 11 07 eller Schockemöhle +49 549-296 01 00

deckstation@schockemoehle.com, m.ring@schockemoehle.com


Avgift: € 2,500 + VAT + frakt


His offspring are already successful in the international Youngster Tour
Produced the Vice German and Vice Regional Champion Chacoothargos PS OLD

Chacoon Blue’s offspring are already attracting attention in international youngster classes, such as Chacoon’s Fly PS/Ann-Kathrin Brune, who was sold for a high price at the P.S.I. auction, Chucky PS/Marcel Schneider, Cody/Jan Meves, Chacpillon PS and Billy Hepburn. Chacoothargos PS OLD/Philip Rüping won the silver medal at the German Championships and the Oldenburg Regional Championships (5y.o.). Chacoon vom Eigen CH won the final of CH horses in Switzerland (5y.o.). Coca da Boa/Hendrik Zurich was silver medallist at the Westphalian Championships of four-year-old show jumping horses. Corazon/Manuel Feige secured the bronze medal at the Württember Regional Championships (4y.o.).

Amongst the 15 licensed stallions produced by Chacoon Blue, Chacoolou PS/Eiken Sato JPN, Chacoon’s Fly PS/Patrick Stühlmeyer, who was placed third at the German Championships in Warendorf, the show jumping serial winner Cancun/Takashi Haase, Charmane, who was also placed in numerous show jumping competitions, as well as the first Reserve Champion of the BWP licensing, Spitfire V, and the Hanoverian premium stallion Carnegie (M. by Balou du Rouet) stand out.

With Hann.Pr.A. Charlize, Chacoon Blue produced the show jumping Champion Mare of the Herwart von der Decken show in Verden. St.Pr.St. Cranberry G became first Reserve Champion Show Jumping Mare at the Westphalian Elite Show. Chica Bonita D won the second division of the four-year-olds at the 24th Hanoverian free jumping competition in Verden. Laclaire was the Champion show jumping filly at the DWN Foals Championships in Denmark.

Chacoon Blue has achieved, with his rider Philip Rüping, top placings in the World Ranking List show jumping competitions of Frankfurt/GER, Kronenberg/NED, Lanaken/BEL and Oldenburg/GER against strong competition, having previously been placed in the Youngster Tours of Munich/GER, Neumünster/GER, Paderborn/GER and Opglabbeek/NED.

Chacoon Blue already demonstrated his unlimited abilities in 2014 at his stallion performance test in Schlieckau, which he completed with a grandiose final score of 9.4 with a focus on jumping.

In 2016, after his first successes in the international Youngster Tour, he won silver at the Warendorf Youngster Championships (7y.o.), very close behind the champion.

Show jumping expert out of the dam line of the Olympic Champion Askan.

Beställningar går att göra genom våra kontaktpersoner
Tobias Hanson:
Som många av er redan känner till genom Helgstrand dressage. Tobias är
behjälplig att ta emot beställningar gällande våra dressyrhingstar.
mail tobias@vastrahoby.se, mobil 070-842 11 07
Maria Ring:
Vår svenska säljrepresentant för seminbeställning, avelsrådgivning
och för alla era frågor som rör vår verksamhet. Maria är ofta på plats på
vår hingststation i Tyskland och träffar hingstarna i deras hemmamiljö.
mail m.ring@schockemoehle.com, mobil 070-276 82 75
För orderbeställning kan ni också direkt kontakta vår hingststation i
Mühlen: mail deckstation@schockemoehle.com
Tel +49 549-296 0100, Fax +49 549-296 01 11

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