Hingstar online
2 april 14:11

Chaloubino PS OLD

Chaloubino PS OLD

Om "Chaloubino PS OLD"

Varmblodig ridhäst

e Chacoon Blue-Centadel. Oldenburger Springpferd, Brown, 2017, 171 cm. WFFS negativ.

Gestüt Lewitz, Mühlen (GER)

Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung GmbH Münsterlandstr 51 D-494 39 Mühlen Tel +49 549-296 0100, Fax +49 549-296 01 11

Maria Ring, 070-276 82 75, Tobias Hanson, Västra Hoby 070-842 11 07 eller Schockemöhle +49 549-296 01 00

deckstation@schockemoehle.com, m.ring@schockemoehle.com


Avgift: € 1,000 + VAT + frakt

Double Vice German Champion and Oldenburg Regional Champion

Chaloubino PS confirmed the sensation from the year before and defended the silver medal he won in the five-year-old class at the German Championships – with dream scores of 9.4 and 9.6 – in the Warendorf jump-off final for six-year-olds. He also came seventh in the final of the World Championships for young show jumping horses in Lanaken/BEL, after securing the gold medal at the Oldenburg Regional Championships in Rastede. The year before, he was victorious with a score of 9.3 in the Dobrock Championships with his trainer Patrick Stühlmeyer.

Chaloubino PS’s half brother, Viva Cent (by Vivant), was internationally successful with Tamás Mráz/HUN in show jumping competitions up to 1.45m and took the fourth and eighth places in the Grand Prix in Samorin/SVK and Budapest/HUN.

His grand-dam Baloufina, full sister of the show jumping World Cup winner and European Championship participant Coral Reef Baloufino/Vinton Karrasch/USA and Angel Niagolov/BUL, was internationally successful in sport up to 1.60m. In 2010, she was placed at the Junior European Championships in Jardy/FRA and won the Nations Cup in Hagen a.T.W./GER with Jessie Drea/GBR.

His grand dam is the European Championship show jumping mare Baloufina

Beställningar går att göra genom våra kontaktpersoner
Tobias Hanson:
Som många av er redan känner till genom Helgstrand dressage. Tobias är
behjälplig att ta emot beställningar gällande våra dressyrhingstar.
mail tobias@vastrahoby.se, mobil 070-842 11 07
Maria Ring:
Vår svenska säljrepresentant för seminbeställning, avelsrådgivning
och för alla era frågor som rör vår verksamhet. Maria är ofta på plats på
vår hingststation i Tyskland och träffar hingstarna i deras hemmamiljö.
mail m.ring@schockemoehle.com, mobil 070-276 82 75
För orderbeställning kan ni också direkt kontakta vår hingststation i
Mühlen: mail deckstation@schockemoehle.com
Tel +49 549-296 0100, Fax +49 549-296 01 11

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