Hingstar online
2 april 2024 14:54

Expectation OS

Expectation OS

Om "Expectation OS"

Varmblodig ridhäst

e Escamillo-Fürst Romancier. Oldenburger, Black, 2019, 171 cm. WFFS negativ.

Gestüt Lewitz, Mühlen (GER)

VDL Stud B.V. | Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung GmbH

Maria Ring, 070-276 82 75, Tobias Hanson, Västra Hoby 070-842 11 07 eller Schockemöhle +49 549-296 01 00

deckstation@schockemoehle.com, m.ring@schockemoehle.com


Avgift: € 1,000 plus VAT + frakt

Serial winner in tests for young dressage horses

Premium Stallion from the first crop of foals of the Vice World Champion of young dressage horses, Escamillo

Beautiful black stallion with exceptional bloodlines. An elegant and harmonious appearance, a correct conformation and powerful and dynamic movement with unwavering rhythm. A promising future awaits Expectation PS.

His sire Escamillo, Vice World Champion of six-year-old dressage horses in 2021, presented his first crop of stallions from which ten sons were licensed, including the Westphalian Reserve Champion Escaneno and the Hanoverian premium stallion and Stallion Market top price Energy. Escamillo was a premium stallion at his licensing in 2017 in Verden, passed his 14-day test in 2018 with a dressage score of 9.08 and completed his sport test in 2020 with Helen Langehanenberg with a winning score of 9.36. 

His dam Simply Fine was bronze medallist as a three-year-old at the German Championships with Anja Engelbart/GER under her sport name Farosa PS. Her son Valverdo PS (by Valverde) was sold via the PS Young Dressage Talents Online Auction in December 2020. Farosa’s full brother Fashion Prinz OLD won the Oldenburg Regional Championships of four-year-old stallions in 2021, was placed fourth at the German Championships and was the second top price of the P.S.I auction, selling for 750,000 Euros.

His dam’s sire Fürst Romancier was fourth at the World Championships for young dressage horses and the German Championships, received the Ia main premium and has produced over 30 licensed stallions, including For Romance I OLD, licensing and main premium winner and successful in Grand Prix, his full brother For Romance II, premium stallion and already placed in international competitions, as well as Fashion Prinz OLD/Frederic Wandres/GER, Oldenburg Regional Champion, fourth at the German Championships and second top price of the P.S.I. auction. For Romance I and II’s full sister St.Pr.St. Fasine OLD was Oldenburg Champion Mare, German Champion and P.S.I. top price.

His grand-dam Senaria produce the licensed stallion ZINQ Founder FH (by Foundation). In 2021, he was placed with Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel at the German Junior Championships and won international junior competitions. As a four-year-old, he was placed fourth in the final of the German Championships. Senaria’s son Saint-Etienne OLD (by St. Schufro) was placed sixth in the final of the German Championships as a five-year-old.

The sires Sarkozy and Rosario also appear in his pedigree.

His fourth dam Sareen is closely related to the licensed stallion Jay Destino (by Danciano) and his half brother by Fürstenball, who was licensed in 2021 in Oldenburg.

Other licensed stallions such as Fürst Khevenhüller (by Florestan)/Helen Langehanenberg/GER, Don Corleone (by Donnerhall)/Marion Henkel/GER, Royal Blend (by Rotspon), Harlem D (by Vivaldi), Royal Angel (by Rohdiamant), Bohemian OLD (by Bon Coeur) as well as Don Bedo I and II (by Donnerhall) also descend from the Hanoverian line of Antipathie.

Out of the full sister of the Oldenburg Regional Champion and P.S.I. price highlight, Fashion Prinz OLD

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Tobias Hanson:
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mail tobias@vastrahoby.se, mobil 070-842 11 07
Maria Ring:
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mail m.ring@schockemoehle.com, mobil 070-276 82 75
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