Hingstar online
2 maj 2023 14:33

Fürst Toto

Fürst Toto

Om "Fürst Toto"

Varmblodig ridhäst

e Furstenball - Totilas. Oldenburger, Dark Brown, 2015, 174 cm. WFFS positiv.

Gestüt Lewitz, Mühlen (GER)

Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung GmbH Münsterlandstr 51 D-494 39 Mühlen Tel +49 549-296 0100, Fax +49 549-296 0111

Maria Ring, 070-276 82 75, Tobias Hanson, Västra Hoby 070-842 11 07 eller Schockemöhle +49 549-296 0100

deckstation@schockemoehle.com, m.ring@schockemoehle.com


Avgift: €1,000 plus VAT + frakt

Numerous price highlights at foal auctions

The Reserve Champion Fifty-Fifty is out of his first generation of foals

Fürst Toto’s first crop of colts up for licensing had it all: with Fifty-Fifty, he produced our acclaimed Reserve Champion at the Oldenburg licensing in Vechta. In Verden, Fürst Leo was approved for breeding. His foals also made the headlines. For the Best was top price of our PS Online Foal Auction, selling for 37,000 Euros. Fürst Toto won the Ib main premium for the outstanding quality of his offspring. After completing a remarkable stallion performance test, he easily qualified for the German Championships for young dressage horses.

From the very beginning, his sire Fürstenball made an impression on dressage horse breeding. Record-priced auction foal, Oldenburg licensing and main premium winner, German Champion, finalist at the World Championships for young dressage horses and victorious at advanced (S) level up to Prix St. Georges, he has produced over 90 licensed stallions, including our Champion Stallions Fürst Zonik and Fürsten-Look. The five German Champions Fürsten-Look, Festina PS, Fior, Feingefühl and Feine Bella appear amongst his no less numerous championship winners. Fürsten-Look came third in the Burg Cup final with Isabel Freese/NOR. He has produced around 300 premium daughters, amongst whom the two Oldenburg Champion Mares Fiesta Danza OLD and Fünf Sterne as well as the Hanoverian Champion Mare Fine Lady particularly stand out. His now internationally successful offspring include Heiline’s Danciera/Carina Cassøe Krüth/DEN, who was placed fourth by team and seventh individually at the Olympic Games.

His dam Thery was placed in dressage young horse competitions under her sport name Toto Chanel and also produced our stallion Donier (by De Niro) and her daughter Fairytale PS (by Fürstenball) is the dam of our stallion Fair Deal OLD (by Franklin).

His dam’s sire Totilas won double gold at the European Championships in Windsor/GBR in 2009 and triple gold at the World Equestrian Games in Lexington/USA in 2010. In 2010, he also won the World Cup final in ’s Hertogenbosch/NED. Several times he set new records in Grand Prix. He produced almost 30 licensed stallions, such as Total Hope OLD, Champion of his licensing, Swedish Champion, finalist at the World Championships for young dressage horses, Burg Cup winner and Louisdor Prize winner, Top Gear OLD, who was placed fourth in the Burg Cup, Glock’s Total U.S./Edward Gal/NED, who came sixth at the Olympic Games, Go Legend/Marlies van Baalen/NED, who was placed fifth with the Dutch team at the Olympic Games, Governor-STR/Adelinde Cornelissen/NED, double silver medallist at the World Championships, and Topas/Nicole Casper, Baden-Württemberg Champion and successful in Grand Prix.

Grand-dam Lasira is the half sister of Lord Schufro OLD (by L’Espoir), licensed stallion, Oldenburg Reserve Champion and placed twice at the German Championships and of the premium stallion Fürsten Hit (by Fürstenball). Lasira produced a son by Foundation who was licensed in Mecklenburg in 2021, her daughter Disney’s Dory (by Desperando) celebrated her first successes at advanced level in 2021 and her daughter Gallery (by Governor) was placed with Andrea Timpe in international dressage tests for six-year-olds and produced Sergeant PS (by Sir Donnerhall I), who was also licensed in Mecklenburg and became the top price of 114,000 Euros at the Schockemöhle PS Online Auction.

The half-blood Londonderry in the third generation was Champion of his licensing in 1997, German Champion in 1999 and “Hanoverian Stallion of the Year” in 2013. He ensured the sustainable spreading of the valuable noble blood of his sire Lauries Crusador xx.

Great-grand-dam Sunny-Girl is the full sister of the sire who was successful at advanced (S) level, Sunny-Boy (by Sandro Hit). Her grand-dam Fiesta produced the famous stallion Don Schufro/Andreas Helgstrand/DEN, team bronze medallist at the Olympics.

Fürst Toto represents a legendary dam line from Gestüt Vornholz. Over 50 licensed stallions descend from the family of Finnländerin, amongst them Birkhof’s Topas FBW/Victoria Max-Theurer/AUT, Lord Leopold/Victoria Max-Theurer/AUT, Sir Oliver/Madita Zurheide, Zatchmo/Agnete Kirk Thinggaard/DEN, Tailormade Red Rebel/Ellen Brigitte Farbrot/NOR, Veneziano/Agnete Kirk Thinggaard/DEN, the double finalist at the World Championships Just Wimphof, Adelfos, Aldato, Don Primero, Radetzky and Rio Negro, as well as the internationally successful show jumping horses such as Cindy Crawford/Piet Raymakers/NED, Elastique/Jörg Münzner/AUT, Enigk and Feuerdorn/both ridden by Hans-Günter Winkler and the top dressage horses Finnländerin/Madeleine Witte-Vrees/NED, Ferrera/Jacqueline Wing Ying Siu/HKG, Macbeth/Willi Schultheis, Malteser/Otto Lörke, Mariano/Dr. Josef Neckermann, Rubelit/Christine Stückelberger (SUI) and Tiga/Heinz Lammers as well as Fabina, the Champion of the Oldenburg Elite Mare Show in 2003 and Festina PS, German Champion in 2016.

Fürst Toto combines Fürstenball – Totilas – Londonderry – Sandro Hit – Donnerhall

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mail tobias@vastrahoby.se, mobil 070-842 11 07
Maria Ring:
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mail m.ring@schockemoehle.com, mobil 070-276 82 75
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