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2 maj 2023 14:47

Sandro Hit

Sandro Hit

Om "Sandro Hit"

Varmblodig ridhäst

e Sandro Song-Ramino. Oldenburger, black, 1993, 172 cm. WFFS negativ.

Gabriele Harder-Brune, Bramsche (GER)

Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung GmbH Münsterlandstr 51 D-494 39 Mühlen Tel +49 549-296 0100, Fax +49 549-296 01 11

Maria Ring, 070-276 82 75, Tobias Hanson, Västra Hoby 070-842 11 07 eller Schockemöhle +49 549-296 01 00

deckstation@schockemoehle.com, m.ring@schockemoehle.com


Avgift: € 1,500 + VAT + frakt. Endast fryst sperma.

Breeding icon

Number One Worldwide!

Sandro Hit is in the lead of the WBFSH ranking of the best dressage sires in the world. He has been amongst the top ten for ten years. Sandro Hit has made a lasting impression on modern dressage horse breeding with his brilliant typed and incredibly light-footed offspring. He is considered the founding stallion of our stud and line founder.

Sandro Hit produced the record number of five offspring who took part in the Olympic Games in Tokyo/JPN: Showtime FRH/Dorothee Schneider/GER and Salvino/Adrienne Lyle/USA were part of the Olympic gold and silver medallist teams from Germany and the USA. For Showtime FRH, it was his second Olympic gold medal, after winning the European team gold medal and two individual silver medals. In 2018, Salvino/Adrienne Lyle was part of the USA dressage silver medallist team at the World Equestrian Games in Tryon/USA. Also participants in Tokyo/JPN: Sir Donnerhall II OLD/Morgan Barbançon/FRA, Sebastien/Lindsay Kellock/CAN and Scolari/Shingo Hayashi/JPN. Sintano van Hof Olympia/Gareth Hughes/GBR was reserve at the Olympics, just like Statesman/Naima Moreira Laliberte/CAN, and also won team silver at the European Championships in Hagen a.T.W. At the 2016 Olympic Games, Santano II/Christopher Burton/AUS was team bronze medallist in eventing.

The hereditary performance of the jet-black stallion, who was World and German Champion, is absolutely unique. Believe it or not, he has produced over 190 licensed stallions in Germany alone, which is far more than any other sire has ever been able to produce. The enumeration of his licensing winners, premium stallions and stallion market top prices would go beyond any scope. Many of them also competed, like Sir Donnerhall I, Vice World Champion and German Champion, Sancisco OLD, victorious in Grand Prix, San Francisco OLD, German Champion, auction top price and victorious at advanced (S) level, Sorento, Burg Cup finalist as well as Sir Skyfall OLD, placed at the World Championships for young dressage horses.

His daughters, 501 of whom were awarded the State Premium, are led by the dressage World Champion and double German Champion Poetin, who was auctioned for the record sum of 2.5 million Euros at the P.S.I. Auction. The Oldenburg Champion Mare Silberaster OLD also won double gold at the German Championships and bronze at the World Championships for Young Horses. Sisters Act MT OLD/Dorothee Schneider/GER was German Champion, placed fourth, sixth and fifth in the finals of the World Championships for young dressage horses and was placed second in the Burg Cup final and sixth in the Louisdor Prize. Furthermore, a daughter of Sandro Hit produced the Olympic Gold medallist, double World Cup winner and fourfold European Champion Weihegold OLD/Isabell Werth.

The descendants of Sandro Hit have long since conquered the biggest championship stages around the globe. Five of them competed at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio/BRA, including the aforementioned Showtime FRH/Dorothee Schneider, who became team gold medallist and came sixth in the freestyle, and Santano II/Christopher Burton/AUS, eventing team bronze medallist. In 2019, Showtime FRH won team gold and double silver in the individual finals of the European Championships. In 2018, Salvino/Adrienne Lyle was part of the USA dressage silver medallist team at the World Equestrian Games in Tryon/USA. Sir Donnerhall II OLD/Morgan Barbançon/ESP was placed in the World Cup finals in Paris/FRA and in Gothenburg/SWE. Selten HW/Andres Dahl was part of the Danish team that was placed at the Olympic Games in 2016 and at the World Equestrian Games in 2018.

Sandro Hit has produced the record number of eleven German Champions, most recently in 2016 with Sisters Act MT OLD/Dorothee Schneider, who was also successful at the World Championships for young dressage horses and placed second in the Burg Cup. In addition to those already mentioned, Polka Hit Nexen (silver 6y.o. in 2008), Soliere (silver 6y.o. in 2010) and St. Emilion (bronze 6y.o. in 2011) were on the podium at the World Championships for young dressage horses. Signorina/Katharina Hemmer came ninth in the Louisdor Prize final in 2020.

The price money of his offspring registered in Germany alone, of which 219 are successful at advanced level up to Grand Prix in dressage, currently amounts to more than 1.65 million Euros.

His sire Sandro Song was Champion of his licensing in 1990 and winner of the main premium champion in 1992.

His dam El. St. Loretta also produced two other licensed stallions: Diamond Hit (by Don Schufro), who was successful up to Grand Prix, and Royal Hit (by Royal Dance).

A legend of his own

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mail tobias@vastrahoby.se, mobil 070-842 11 07
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mail m.ring@schockemoehle.com, mobil 070-276 82 75
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