InspiredIn this week's episode of the Ridsport Podcast featuring the Bergåkra sisters, we venture into the global spotlight and welcome our first English-speaking guest, Catherine Haddad Staller. Sit back and listen to a life journey that will both astonish you and greatly inspire you.
Ridsport Podcast: Welcome Cathrine Haddad Staller
We are incredibly excited to welcome the successful American-Lebanese competitive rider Catherine Haddad Staller as our guest in this week’s podcast episode! An episode filled with inspiration and exciting stories from her career.
Join us on adventures in Mongolia, to Warendorf in Germany, through prickly rose bushes, insights of Buddhism, legendary coaches, and today’s activities in the USA. Haddad Staller shares what it really takes to ride Grand Prix and what similarities there are between top-level sports and training horses in Mongolia. And of course, about her Swedish connections – Haddad Staller recently discovered that she is also three percent Swedish.
The host is Emilia Bergåkra, who is also employed as a rider in Haddad’s company NorCordia.
The episode is in English.
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